7 Day Fatty Liver Diet Meal Plan

There are two major types of fatty liver disease — alcohol-induced and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Fatty liver disease affects nearly one-third of American adults and is one of the leading contributors to liver failure. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is most commonly diagnosed in those who are obese or sedentary and those who eat a highly-processed diet.

This meal plan helps to improve the overall function of the liver. Our team of dieticians has incorporated meals that include lots of 

  • fruits and vegetables
  • high fiber plants like legumes and whole grains
  • low sodium foods, and very little added sugar and refined carbohydrates
  • no alcohol
  • Liver friendly spices and herbs such as dandelion, garlic, ginger, and lemon. 

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Annette Park
Annette Park
RHC, RHNC, RCHC & Nutritional Microscopy

Annette's experience started with 30 years of main stream medicine working in multiple areas in healthcare medical, surgical, long-term care and mental health and addiction.  

Realizing that there was a key component missing in mainstream medicine... Annette started her journey igniting her passion for nutrition &  wellness. Annettes “food is thy medicine” educational journey began with RHN Registered Holistic Nutritionist through the CSNN Canadian school natural nutrition...& most recently

