Take chopped zucchini with almond milk and add to a blender or food processor. Pulse zucchini (or grate) until it's in very small pieces, similar to the size of oatmeal.
In a medium-hot heated pot, add the almond milk and zucchini mixture- if you're using oats, add them here as well.
Add in egg whites only (save or discard yolks) to this mixture. Bring the mixture to a boil, and continually stir. You will notice the egg whites cooking and the mixture will start to thicken.
When you see all the egg whites have been cooked- the mixture should still contain liquid from the almond milk and water from the zucchini. Add in the coconut flour, cinnamon, cocoa, and any other natural sweeteners you choose. Continue cooking and stir until it's thick like oatmeal. You may add more coconut flour to speed the process of thickening.
Take off the heat. Serve in a large bowl and top with your favourite toppings. Adjust seasonings/sweeteners to your desired taste.