5 Ingredients or Less

First Row Fitness LLC

Simplify your life this week... Almost ALL these recipes have 5 ingredients or less!!

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Health Highlights


Health Highlights


Health Highlights


Health Highlights


Health Highlights


Health Highlights

Carrie McDonald
Carrie McDonald

I believe that all things are possible in life! It is never too late for fitness. We are never too old, too young, too fat, too thin, too weak, too inflexible, too sick or too busy to make positive changes in our lives and in our health!

I once wore five dress-sizes bigger than I do now! I was weak, had no energy, had a high body fat percentage, and my cholesterol was borderline high. I was also dealing with a bulging disc and extreme job stress. I was just miserable.

In late 2001, I was feeling sick and was in pain. I worked through the holidays only to find out that I needed to have my gallbladder removed. The gall bladder problems were, no doubt, escalated by my horrible eating habits, lack of exercise and high stress occupation.

2002 was the year I woke up! That year included me having gall bladder surgery, leaving my job and losing over forty pounds! I was still weak, though, and my legs were still covered in cellulite! I decided to start doing the noon classes at the YMCA on my lunch break. was hit and miss and I would only give my workouts about a 40% effort. I did start eating better as time passed. Exercise started to include trying different things along the way, but one thing I loved and would never miss was Body Pump. I loved it!

In 2010, my passion for fitness and nutrition led me to a new career. I started with teaching yoga and spinning classes at the YMCA. I then became certified in group exercise, Reebok cycling, Yogafit and personal training all in that year! In the fall of that year, I went to work for Fit In The City in Omaha and became the program coordinator for the 'Way to Lose' program. I taught classes at several corporate locations and began to hone my skills as a trainer. This was my life's calling and I loved it! I finally found where I belonged!

While working with FITC, I continued diving into my education. I became certified as a Nutrition and Sports Nutrtition Specialist. I was also certified in Kettlebell, Bootcamp,and Pilates. I also attained four more certifications in Yoga, Wellness Coaching, and the list goes on!

In June 2013, I became part of the professional staff for the YMCA. I moved up the ladder from Wellness Coordinator, to Health and Wellness Director, and then ultimately to Membership Director in an 18 month span. I'm so grateful for my time at the Y and love my YMCA family. I still harbored a desire to continue onwards towards my ultimate goal of having a Health and Wellness Studio of my own. In December 2015, I began to revise my plans, map out what I was going to do, and then got busy making my dream come to fruition!

So, I'm here to tell you that I am living proof that everything IS POSSIBLE! You can, at any age, make positive changes in your life and in your health! I love teaching, showing, helping and coaching others to be the best version of themselves they are ready to be!

