Liver Cleanse Week 1

Head-Heart-Gut Nourishment.


To start your detox right, we're loading up on fruits and vegetables with minimal cooked foods for the week (with the exception of canned beans - so at least you'll never have to turn on the oven!).

This week's plan is relatively low on calories, so be kind with yourself and listen to your body: if you need more, eat more. Opt for adding 'approved' raw snacks such as veggies, fruits, and if you need more substance - nuts and seeds!

*Note: with canned beans, try to opt for the organic variety in BPA-free cans - preferably those soaked with a seaweed such as kombu to improve bio-availability and so that digesting is easier on your gut!

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Kiki Athanas
Kiki Athanas
Food Freedom Expert

I help women in wellness who are dealing with:

  1. Food Bipolarism,

  2. Diet Swinging, and

  3. The Starve-Binge Cycle

Solve their obsession with eating (or not eating!) so that they can look & actually feel like the healthy woman they dream of being.

