Spring Dump Community - Sides & Snacks

3 recipes

Sara Bradford
Sara Bradford
Real Food Fanatic, Registered Holistic & Culinary Nutritionist, Dump Leader Mentor, Smart-Ass Food Blogger
I am a no-B.S. nutrition resource for awesome women who are tired of the usual from the nutrition/fitness/culinary world. Awesome women who want to wade through the kitchen in an indulgent but healthy way. I help you do this through my signature program -- a series of seasonal group food cleanses called The Community Dump! This program takes cleanses to another level -- where they are more fun and less painful. In a sense they are officially an Un-Cleanse. And more of a change in how you view everything when it comes to food and yourself. I've been a nutritionist since 2008 and after many years of private practice, and running these powerful programs, I have witnessed the magic community brings to making real food change. And I see how a great recipe can make all the difference. A delicious community and a delicious recipe both inspire, flavour an experience, and make you feel good. And they are BOTH necessary to making real food and life changes. Sara xo
